So, you've added a new, four-legged member to the family and now it's time to come up with a name. Choosing just the right handle for your new canine companion can be a real challenge. It can also be a lot of fun. Remember, though, that just like a child, your pet's name is something he or she will deal with for a lifetime. There are some important things to consider when you're brainstorming.
If your new dog was rescued from a shelter (and if so, good for you), he or she may already have a name. Quite often the shelter will know the dog's name and if so, consider using that name to make the transition to a new family easier for your dog. If not, or if you prefer to change the name, remember that learning to respond to a new one will take time. Your dog will learn the new name and accept it, if you're patient.
Now, whether you are re-naming your new pooch or deciding on a name for a puppy, there are a few things you can do to make the process easier for yourself and your new friend.
Here's a short list of "dos" and "don'ts":Do select a name that's short and easy to understand. Choosing anything over 3 syllables long is probably asking for trouble. Even professional breeders and champion dog owners will use a short, unique "working" name for their dogs, although the full name may be something like, "Beauregard's Bodacious Ezekiel IV".
Do give your dog a name that suits his or her looks or personality. It's just more fun.
Do ask permission before naming your dog after a friend or relative. You may be unpleasantly surprised to find that Uncle Charlie doesn't consider having a Pug as a namesake a compliment. Check before you create any unnecessary hard feelings.
Do use your dog's new name often once you've decided.
Use it calmly and in a loving tone of voice and your dog will learn to recognize it as something positive.Don't use a name that sounds like a command. You'll only confuse your poor pooch when you try to train him/her. For example, you're probably not considering naming your dog "Sit", but consider that "Sitka" is a fairly popular name for a dog and you'll get the idea. Picture the obedient but unfortunately named dog that sits every time it's called. It may sound "far-fetched", but it happens.
Don't select a name that you'll be embarrassed to call out in public. Walking the neighborhood yelling, "Here, Butthead" -- or worse -- probably isn't going to ingratiate you with the neighbors.
Don't fall back on common names like "Fido" or "Rover". This is an invitation to thieves. Many a good dog has walked away with someone because that person appeared to know the dog's name.
Don't use your dog's new name loudly or harshly. Your dog will soon start to associate the name with an unpleasant experience and will react negatively to her or his own name.
There are many more points to be considered, but the suggestions above should help get you started in the right direction. With a little thought and consideration, your dog's name will be something that you, your family, and your dog can live with. Your new four-legged friend is worth the effort.
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