Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Treating Male Baldness

Having experienced male baldness and having been successful at holding it at bay for an extended period of time now I can sympathize with any man who is concerned about keeping his remaining hair. At least for me the onset of male baldness was a shock followed by a series of unsuccessful attempts to halt its progression.

What causes baldness? Several factors can occur that can lead to male baldness as well as female baldness. Certain prescription meds can lead to hair loss such as thyroid medications. Then there are even hormone replacement pills like estrogen and birth control that can cause some women to lose hair.

Aside from surgery, there are some medicine therapies as well. The high blood pressure medication Minoxidil causes the side effect of hair growth. Baldness is then stopped. The Food and Drug Administration approved a topical treatment with 2 percent minoxidil for hair loss and baldness therapy.

Some fail to treat their loss of hair because of the expensive price tag of maintaining a healthy head of hair that many products promote. You can however find a male baldness cure. Here are some natural cures below for male baldness.

You do it to clean the hair and scalp of trapped dirt and oil. Olive oil does the same thing but works better and even promotes hair growth. By applying a reasonable amount of olive oil to thinning hair areas, you can see an increase in the volume of hairs growing in from your follicles.

Even certain shampoos aid and work great for baldness. Start a routine of washing your hair with Nizoral shampoo as part of your male baldness treatment. Nizoral has been clinically shown to block DHT locally on the scalp. Be careful not to shampoo with Nizoral more than 3 times weekly as it can cause severe dryness of the scalp.

However, since this male baldness treatment directly alters your hormone levels, many men have experienced adverse sexual side effects when taking it, including impotence, erectile dysfunction, and decreased libido.

Male baldness doesn't have to affect you unless you let it. Biotin and Saw Palmetto are but just a couple of proven natural hair loss treatments. Why spend hundreds of dollars searching for male baldness cures when you can find them from natural substances?

Massage scalp. Lack of blood circulation in your hair follicles can be a reason for hair loss. By massaging thinning areas of the scalp, you are increasing blood flow and promoting growth of your hair.

It's well known that the typical junk food diet enjoyed by Western societies is causing a serious obesity problem, and that degenerative disorders like heart disease, hypertension and diabetes also have a big connection with this type of diet.

Some medicines such as those used to treat cancers are known to cause hair loss. In most cases once treatment is suspended there is re-growth of hair. Results take time often longer than 3 months.

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